About Me!

Hi Everyone,

For those of you who don't know me, I have a very special superpower. I am autistic, but this doesn't stop me having fun as you can see.

This is a blog to remind me of all my fun adventures.

I hope you enjoy looking at it.


Wednesday, 27 August 2014

William Newton does the ALS/MND Ice bucket challenge - 27th August 2014

I have been begging Mummy and Daddy for the last few days to do the Ice Bucket challenge and today I got to finally do it.  Enjoy!

I have donated with my own money.

Remember Nominees - You have 48Hrs to complete the challenge :-) 

1 comment:

  1. You are very brave doing the ice bucket challenge William. I cheated a little and done my ice bucket challenge in Mexico where it was very hot.

