About Me!

Hi Everyone,

For those of you who don't know me, I have a very special superpower. I am autistic, but this doesn't stop me having fun as you can see.

This is a blog to remind me of all my fun adventures.

I hope you enjoy looking at it.


Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Tiger Feet At The I.C.C Birmingham - 6th October 2015

My Tiger Feet Dance group were invited to dance at The Boparan Charity Ball held at The International Convention Centre in Birmingham.

One of the children in the Under 5 Tiger Feet dance group was awarded with a specially made trike by the charity a few months ago.  

When we arrived at the I.C.C we were given our own dressing room back stage.  We were all very excited!

Our first dance 'Uptown Funk'.

Our second dance 'Amarillo'.

My Tiger Feet Group, posing for some professional pictures with the Boparan family after our performance.

We were all given special medals on stage after our dance.

Here's a close up of my medal.

'Little Star'.

We all had such an amazing time and a very late night :-).

Here's some more pictures that the professional photographer took.

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