About Me!

Hi Everyone,

For those of you who don't know me, I have a very special superpower. I am autistic, but this doesn't stop me having fun as you can see.

This is a blog to remind me of all my fun adventures.

I hope you enjoy looking at it.


Monday, 18 July 2016

Celebrations And Awards - July 2016

Last week at school we had an end of year celebration assembly.

Each class entered along the red carpet. We celebrated our achievements with a type of Oscar ceremony.  It was great!

Here's a picture of me receiving my certificate and award.

Here's my trophy.

My certificate.

 Then at my Higham Football training session, I was awarded with the man of the match trophy for trying really hard.

I am very proud.

 On Thursday we had a race for life charity sports day at school. 

Do you like my warrior face paint?

My medal.

 I hope lots of money was raised.

I finished the week celebrating my Tiger Feet dance friend Lydia's, 10th Birthday.

She loves dancing.

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